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Oral Surgery Services in Waterdown, ON

Discover advanced and specialized oral surgery services in Waterdown, ON, at Trend Dental. Our commitment to comprehensive oral care extends to oral maxillofacial surgery, providing expert solutions for various dental and facial concerns. Our experienced team combines skill and cutting-edge technology to ensure optimal outcomes, from precise oral biopsy procedures to wisdom tooth extractions. Whether you require specific oral procedures or are seeking expert guidance on maintaining excellent oral hygiene, Trend Dental is here to address your needs. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards personalized and effective oral surgery solutions.

dental extraction tools

Why Oral Surgeries Are Needed

Oral surgeries become necessary for a variety of reasons, ranging from addressing severe dental issues to enhancing overall oral health and function. Common reasons for oral surgeries include tooth extractions to resolve impacted wisdom teeth, alleviate overcrowding, or address severely damaged or decayed teeth. Oral surgeries are also crucial for treating conditions such as gum disease, where procedures like gum grafts or pocket reduction surgeries may be recommended for optimal periodontal health.

Types of Oral Surgery

Oral surgery encompasses a variety of procedures aimed at addressing complex dental and facial conditions. At Trend Dental, our skilled dentists specialize in a range of common types of oral surgery to ensure optimal oral health and well-being. These procedures include:

Tooth Extractions

Often performed to address severely damaged or decayed teeth, alleviate overcrowding, or resolve impacted wisdom teeth, tooth extractions are routine yet crucial for maintaining oral health.

Dental Crown Implant

We work with an oral surgeon who places the dental implant. At Trend dental, we are able to fabricate a custom implant crown to replace the missing tooth.

Jaw Surgery (Orthognathic Surgery)

This corrective surgery addresses jaw misalignments, bite issues, or facial asymmetry, improving both function and aesthetics.

Gum Grafts

Essential for treating gum recession, gum graft surgery involves transplanting gum tissue to cover exposed tooth roots, reducing sensitivity and enhancing gum health.

Bone Grafts

Common in preparation for dental implants, bone grafts involve augmenting the jawbone to provide sufficient support for implant placement.

dentist and patient

Other Services We Provide

At Trend Dental, our commitment to comprehensive care extends beyond oral surgery to encompass a diverse range of services tailored to meet all your dental needs. From routine check-ups and cleanings to emergency dental care, our expert team ensures that every aspect of your oral health is addressed with precision and compassion. We specialize in family dentistry, providing personalized care for patients of all ages, including pediatric dentistry for our youngest visitors. Our cosmetic dentistry services focus on enhancing the aesthetics of your smile, offering treatments like teeth whitening, veneers, and smile makeovers. Trend Dental also provides general dentistry treatments, emphasizing preventive care and promptly addressing dental concerns.

Contact Trend Dental With Any Oral Surgery Needs

Trust Trend Dental for expert oral surgery services in Waterdown, ON, where precision meets compassionate care. Our commitment to excellence extends to a range of oral care procedures, ensuring optimal outcomes for your dental health. Whether you’ve undergone a tooth extraction and need guidance on a smooth recovery or require specialized oral surgery procedures, our skilled team is dedicated to your well-being. Count on us for reliable solutions, from managing tooth extraction pain to preventing post-extraction infections. Schedule your appointment now to experience personalized oral surgery services that prioritize your comfort and recovery. At Trend Dental, your journey to enhanced oral health continues with our expert guidance and care. We also work closely with a board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon should you require more specialized procedures.

Book an Appointment With Trend Dental Today