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Emergency Dental Services in Waterdown, ON

In times of unexpected dental crises, turn to Trend Dental for swift and reliable emergency dental services in Waterdown, ON. Our dedicated team understands the urgency of dental emergencies, and we’re here to provide immediate relief and expert care. As your trusted emergency dentist, we specialize in addressing various dental emergencies with precision and compassion. From sudden toothaches to unexpected injuries, our goal is to alleviate discomfort and promptly restore oral health. If you find yourself in need of emergency dental care, don’t hesitate—contact Trend Dental immediately. Your urgent dental needs are our priority, and we’re here to guide you through any dental emergency with expertise and care. Schedule your emergency appointment now for prompt attention and lasting solutions.

man holding jaw in pain

What’s Considered a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency can occur unexpectedly, often causing pain and requiring immediate attention to prevent further complications. Common scenarios that are considered dental emergencies include severe toothaches, sudden trauma resulting in a chipped or knocked-out tooth, and infections causing swelling or persistent pain. Uncontrolled bleeding from the mouth, abscesses, and issues with dental appliances such as braces or crowns can also qualify as emergencies. Additionally, situations where individuals experience difficulty breathing or swallowing due to dental problems should be addressed urgently. At Trend Dental, we understand the urgency of dental emergencies and prioritize same-day appointments to promptly assess and provide necessary care, ensuring the swift relief and well-being of our patients. If you are unsure whether your situation constitutes a dental emergency, it is advisable to contact our office for guidance and immediate assistance.

Tips for Dealing With Common Dental Emergencies

Effectively handling dental emergencies can make a significant difference in minimizing discomfort and preventing further complications. Here are some essential tips for dealing with common dental emergencies:


Rinse your mouth with warm water, gently floss to remove any debris, and use a cold compress to alleviate pain. Avoid placing aspirin directly on the tooth to prevent gum irritation.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Retrieve the tooth, holding it by the crown (not the root), rinse it gently, and attempt to reinsert it into the socket. If not possible, place the tooth in milk or saliva and seek immediate dental attention.

Chipped or Broken Tooth

Rinse your mouth with warm water, save any broken pieces, and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. Contact your dentist promptly for evaluation and potential restoration.

Object Stuck Between Teeth

Gently try to remove the object using dental floss, avoiding the use of sharp objects that may damage the teeth or gums. If unsuccessful, seek professional assistance.

Lost Filling or Crown

Apply dental cement, denture adhesive, or sugar-free gum to temporarily cover the exposed area until you can see your dentist for a proper restoration.

Abscess or Swelling

Rinse your mouth with a mild saltwater solution and use a cold compress to reduce swelling. Schedule an emergency dental appointment to address the infection.

Bleeding Gums After Extraction

Bite on a moistened clean gauze or cloth for about 30 minutes with firm pressure to control bleeding. Change the gauze every 30 minutes until the bleeding stops and a clot is formed. A small amount of blood oozing from the site is considered normal. If blood is filling or pooling into the mouth, contact your dentist for further instructions.

Contact Our Experienced Team With Your Emergency

When dental emergencies strike, count on Trend Dental to be your reliable partner in Waterdown, ON. Our commitment to swift and effective emergency dental services ensures that your urgent dental needs are met with expert care and compassion. Whether you’re facing sudden pain, injuries, or unexpected dental issues, our dedicated team is ready to provide immediate relief and lasting solutions. Don’t let a dental emergency disrupt your well-being—schedule your appointment with Trend Dental now, and let us guide you through any unexpected situation with the expertise and prompt attention you deserve. Trust us to be there when you need us the most, ensuring your oral health remains a top priority.

Book an Appointment With Trend Dental Today